Hammana is an small village in the lebanese mountains, where is settled since 2 years a magnificient Artist house: HAH. Thanks to them, and thanks to the Teatre Lliure in Barcelona we were selected to do an exchange residency between the 2 institutions, and we were able to develop the project there. Working in Hammana, thanks to the small dimensions and the unity of the community, made us possible to feel at home and let us discover a lot about the past ( from the splendorous beginnings in the last century, the joie de vivre and hotels till the disappearance of all with the more than 30 years of war), but too about the hope in the future, trough the local youth and related to the origins of the new revolution.

" And the sound of the nay remains after the end of existence" [Fairuz song, from a poem from Khalil Gibran] She is Samira, an old school teacher and one of the most beloved women in the village, full of wisdom, energy, and irony. In the picture, she was dancing with her brother, who died young, but still remains so present in Samira's memories and dreams.
Tante Samia
Candy store clerk
"Satisfaction of your baby, that is a little few. A piece of candy makes him sweet, a bar of chocolate makes him enjoy his time" [Old lebanese 3addiyat] Samia was a maths and french teacher for a long time in one school in Hammana. But more than 20 years ago, she decided to open a candy shop: "Sweet candy", that still opens daily and where she receives with millions of patience all the kids that go there to buy sweets. Everybody knows her as Tante Samia.

Youssef Saad
"Pour que, parmi tous ces champs des lunes éteints, S'enracine une étoile aux miraculeux teints" [ Fabiansé d'Houssay, nickname for Nabih Saad, poet from Hammana and son of Youssef Saad] He is Youssef Saad. He was a well known playwright and actor from Hammana. He was the one moving the Theatre scene in the village, writing, directing and playing in a lot of shows, bringing the Theatre lights to the Hammanians, who remember him with amounts of love. He died during the war, because of the impact of a bomb, in Beirut. These mural pretends to be an homage to his work and legacy.

" Expansion, amour et joie" [Last sentence from Lamartine's "Valley of Hammana", included in the book "Voyage en Orient"] He is Romanos. Everybody remembers him, as a kind family man, and builder of most of the stone houses in Hammana, which makes these village so unique. But specially, for the people in Hammana, he represents a generation of good men.

Traditional entertainment
" Come watch, come see See the story all exposed..." [ Old way used by storytellers for beginnings] Our second picture wants to be an homage for a whole generation of Hammanians who were kids in the 50's, and still remembers with a smile a troupe of comedians coming from the far Beirut to entertain them. Sometimes, with a monkey with a sailor's hat imitating the spectators, sometimes with a magic sandouk el ferje (wonderbox) When we were painting these mural, a group of new generation kids was coming to ask for the meaning. After the explantion, they said : ' we wish that could come back again'. Maybe we will not have a real monkey, but do not miss the chance to take a pic with the painted one... Let's do it a trend!

Popular game
" Amara"/ "Building" Sabe3 7jara ( the 7 stones) is a tradional game all around Lebanon. But for sure, in Hammana is the most played during childhood, and most remembered during adulthood. Hopefully it never disappears.